برنامج Just Translate لترجمة النصوص والكلمات .
برنامج جبار للترجمة الدقيقة من وإلى لغات كثيرة ومنها العربية والانكليزية والفرنسية والاسبانية والصينية واليابانية ولغات أخرى.
كما أنه يحتوي على قاموس معاني كلمات متطور .
البرنامج متوافق مع جميع اصدارات ويندوز فسارع الآن وحمل نسختك من قسم “برامج” التابع لموقع “مجمع البرامج“.
Just Translate description
Boost your knowledge by translating documents, web contents or emails
How many documents do you read in foreign languages? Probably not many, unless you are fluent in those languages. The world is full of knowledge in many different languages and also different characters, such as English, Chinese, Arabic, French, Russian, Polish, Spanish, German, Japanese and many others.
Would you be able to understand these languages, those information wouldn’t be a dead end for you. You will have the possibility to discover other cultures, other concepts and a lost of new ideas.
Just Translate is your ideal editor to instantly translate and understand foreign language text. It translates over 50 languages by using one of the mayor web-based translation service worldwide, and the number is rising.
Intel Pentium 1.8 GHz or AMD
East Asian Languages Files
Internet connection
The number of words, that you can translate at once, is limited
Nag screen appears at every start and the waiting period is extended as well
معلومات عن البرنامج
الترخيص الإصدارة الحجم تحميل البرنامج
مجاني محدود
44 MB