برنامج Spelling Made Simple, برنامج للتعليم على تهجئة الكلمات بشكل صحيح وطريقة اخراج الحروف .
البرنامج بسيط ويساعد المبتدئين للتعلم بلغات غير لغته ويساعدهم على طريقة تهجئة الأحرف والكلمات .
البرنامج متوافق مع جميع اصدارات ويندوز فسارع الآن وحمل نسختك من قسم “برامج” التابع لموقع “مجمع البرامج“.
Spelling Made Simple description
Spelling software that implements a proven method of learning spelling words
Spelling Made Simple is a software that helps you to learn simple to complex word spelling. These word lists can easily be made by entering them, dragging and dropping text, or downloading lists from our website. The user can see or hear the word (based on the user settings) and then type the answer
If their answer is incorrect that word will go back into the queue and be retried later. Statistics are kept to see improvement and better understand student’s needs. Spelling Made Simple is a software program that implements a simple but proven method of learning how to spell words
The application is designed so that students can run through their spelling list each night or a business professional can run through all of the challenging words in their line of work. Professionals and students require a tool that will save them the embarrassment of misspellings
Whether for business people that want to make sure they can spell when presenting before their peers on a white board or 1st grade students trying not to fall behind – this tool is for you. If you spell a word wrong in public, it costs you credibility and eventually money but if your child falls behind in school now, they may never recover
This is one investment that pays for itself immediately and can be used to keep the mind sharp
30 days trial
معلومات عن البرنامج
الترخيص الإصدارة الحجم تحميل البرنامج
مجاني محدود
26.1 MB